ICET CODE: BIMK || BIMK Offers MBA Course Only
A candidate for admission to the Two -Year Full Time course in Master of Business Administration (MBA) must have passed the Graduation examination of the Affiliated Universities, Government of Andhra Pradesh with B.Com, B.A., BBM, B.Sc., etc or any other 10+2+3 level examinations recognized by the Universities as equivalent thereto.
The admission to the MBA. course, under” Category A” seats, is through a State level Entrance Test called” Integrated Common Entrance Test” (ICET), conducted by the Government of Andhra Pradesh.
70% of the total seats are under “Category A” and are filled by the Convener of ICET based on the rank secured in ICET and as per the rules of reservation in force.
ICET Eligibility Criteria
Integrated Common Entrance Test (ICET ) is a mandatory aptitude test for students seeking admission into Master of Computer Applications (MCA) and Master of Business Administration (MBA) courses offered by various universities in Andhra Pradesh, India and their affiliated colleges.
The candidates should be Indian Nationals and should satisfy local/non-local status requirements laid down in the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulations of Admission) Order, 1974 as amended up to date.
The candidates other than Indian Nationals should satisfy the rules of the Universities concerned.
The candidates seeking admission :
For MBA:
Should have passed recognized Bachelors Degree Examination of minimum three years duration with at least 50% marks (45% marks in case of reserved categories) in the qualifying examination.
The qualifying Degree obtained by Distance Mode Program should have recognition by joint committee of UGC, AICTE and DEC.
The candidates who are appearing for the final year degree examination shall also be eligible to appear for ICET.
Admission into any college depends on its Recognition/Affiliation by the Statutory Bodies.
Qualifying marks in ICET is 25% and no minimum marks are prescribed for SC/ST candidates.
List of Universities Appearing into ICET
This year total 23 Universities from Andhara Pradesh was appeared into ICET for admission into M.B.A. and M.C.A. courses (full time/part-time/evening/distance mode).
1.Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University (ANGRAU)
2.Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU)
3.Adikavi Nannaya University (AKNU)
4.Andhra University (AU)
5.Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open University (BRAOU)
6.Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University (BRAU)
7.Dravidian University (DU)
8.JNT University, Ananthapur (JNTU-A)
9.JNT University, Hyderabad (JNTU-H)
10.JNT University, Kakinada (JNTU-K)
11.Kakatiya University (KU)
12.Krishna University (KrU)
13.Mahatma Gandhi University (MGU)
14.Osmania University (OU)
15.Palamur University (PU)
16.Rayalaseema University (RU)
17.S.K. University (SKU)
18.S.V. University (SVU)
19.Satavahana University (SU)
20.Sri Padmavati Mahila Viswavidyalayam (Women's University) (SPMU)
21.Telangana University (TU)
22.Vikrama Simhapuri University (VSU)
23.Yogi Vemana University (YVU)
ICET Syllabus
The test consists of 200 questions of one mark each in the following topics.
(i) Data Sufficiency : 20 Questions
(ii) Problem Solving : 55 Questions
(i) Arithmetical Ability : 35 Questions
(ii) Algebraical and Geometrical Ability: 30 Questions
(iii) Statistical Ability : 10 Questions
(i) Vocabulary : 10 Questions
(ii) Business and Computer Terminology: 10 Questions
(iii) Functional Grammar : 15 Questions (iv) Reading Comprehension : 15 Questions
TOTAL : 200 Questions